AutoRecon - Ubuntu 22.04


I was introduced to this tool while I was busy with my OSCP course. And although it was primarily made to help during OSCP exams, on small external and/or internal whitebox engagements, I tend to run this tool (with a modified config) to look for any low-hanging fruit while I go about my normal testing.

On Kali Linux, it’s very simple to install, and the even has copy and paste commands. But when installing it on any other distro, i.e. on a Linode Ubuntu VPS, there are a few more steps involved.


I like making use of Linode because they have servers for as little as $5 per month. Use my referral link, and you can get $100 added to your account for free when you sign up.

When I signed up this time, I decided to try out Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

The initial steps

The following steps can be copied and pasted while logged in as root.

I normally use these VPS setups as a disposable pen-testing platform and delete them after each engagement. For that reason, I just leave all the tooling in the /root directory and pretty much run everything as the user root.

Get the system updated

apt update
apt dist-upgrade
apt install python3
apt install python3-pip

Install the packages that are part of Ubuntu’s repo

apt install curl gobuster nbtscan nikto nmap onesixtyone redis-tools smbclient smbmap snmp sslscan sipvicious whatweb wkhtmltopdf dnsrecon python3-impacket

Install SecLists wordlists from github

git clone
ln -s /root/SecLists /usr/share/seclists

Install enum4linux from github

git clone
ln -s /root/enum4linux/ /usr/bin/enum4linux

Install feroxbuster from github

tar zxvf x86_64-linux-feroxbuster.tar.gz
ln -s /root/feroxbuster /usr/bin/feroxbuster
chmod a+x /root/feroxbuster

The installation

Now we can get to install AutoRecon.

git clone
cd AutoRecon
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Written on May 8, 2022